S. Simberova
The art of image processing is a topic with boundaries well
beyond astronomy. Astronomical image processing applies
a variety of numerical methods to extract scientific results
from the observed data. The goal is to provide theoretical
grounds and reliable methods for image processing in
astronomy and astrophysics. The tasks are aimed at the three
general areas of image processing - restoration of
single-frame 2D solar images, processing of time-varying
images and image reconstruction.
Recent results:
Solar corona events imaged in soft X-rays are studied and the
new processing method based on a special algorithm for the
local optimization of density has been developed. The results
led, in time-sequence images, to the internal and spatial
description of the developing coronal arches. A method
evaluation is in progress on solar prominences processing.
A new type of adaptive reconstruction method is introduced
to reconstruct failed and/or damaged multi-spectral image
data. The image reconstruction is based on a regression type
of image destriping method, using a regression model
prediction for replacing a corrupted image row or isolated
pixels. A method modification reconstructs scratches or
several neighbouring missing lines, using a multi-dimensional
regression model. Mono-spectral data reconstruction is
treated as a special case of the proposed method. The unique
results of reconstruction are higher in order in comparison
the other methods (interpolation, masking, template
replacement with an error adjustment). The suggested methods
can be successfully applied also in other acquisition and
processing application.
In pre-processing of the photospheric and corona images the
temporal image sequences have been transformed into
a geometrically congruent form. This step is essential for
the image-to-image registration and it is required before
further quantitative and qualitative analysis. A process of
removing blurring effects caused partially by the
non-perfect point spread function of the telescope and
partially by atmospheric turbulence has been studied. A novel
method for a time sequence restoration of the blurred solar
images has been introduced.