Research fields: CCD spectroscopy, data acquisition and reduction, computational astrophysics, astronomical databases and archives, telescope instrumentation. 1987 graduated in Astrophysics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, Prague. 1987-1989 postgraduate student at the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Ondøejov. Since 1989 a regular staff member of the Stellar Department at the Astronomical Institute. 1996 PhD in Astrophysics (supervisor P. Hadrava). Occasional system administrator of Sun workstations and Linux PCs; responsible for maintenance of main astronomical SW packages like IRAF, MIDAS, Starlink, IDL. Deeply involved in the complex refurbishment of the telescope and spectrograph control systems of Ondøejov observatory 2m telescope (definition of the SW interface for remote control and eavesdropping, structure of FITS headers, spectrograph drivers, etc.). Design of data acquisition and reduction strategies for CCD spectra taken by coude spectrograph. Co-author of CCD detector control and data acquisition program and of the enhanced telescope guiding system. Author of web-based automatic archives and reduction pipelines of spectra exposed by Ondøejov 2m telescope detectors. Involved in data reductions and analysis of CCD spectra (in MIDAS and IRAF) and mainly finding the strategies of the most precise fiber echelle spectra processing with emphasis on the best merging of spectral orders. Since 2002 manager of section Databases and Data-mining of ENEAS (European Network of Excellence in AsteroSeismology). Member of IAU since 2000 (division V working group Spectroscopic Data Archiving and member of Spectroscopic Virtual Observatory (SVO)).