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Astronomický ústav 
Akademie věd České republiky
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Mimořádný seminář 11. 10. 2001


Pozvánka na mimořádný seminář AsÚ AV ČR

který se koná ve čtvrtek dne
11. října 2001 od 13:00

v nové seminární místnosti AsÚ v Ondřejově
(budova starého výpočetního střediska)

Astero-oscillometry: Gauging stars with stellar oscillations

Dr. Monika Maintz
Landessternwarte Heidelberg

Astero-oscillometry as a new method for gauging stellar parameters is presented. It is based on a physical modeling of pulsationally induced line profile variability. First applications to rapidly rotating B-type stars yielded reasonable stellar parameters. Only the radii are systematically smaller compared to those derived by calibrations or calculated using stellar evolution models. This could be a hint that stellar evolution could possibly be influenced by rapid rotation. Since the method requires only one or a few pulsation modes to be excited, it is ideally suited to investigate early-type stars which normally show only few pulsation modes and are therefore not interesting for astero-seismological studies.

Srdečně zve

Jiří Kubát