Akademie věd České republiky |
Pravidelný seminář 2. 12. 2002
který se koná v pondělí dne
v nové seminární místnosti AsÚ v Ondřejově
PROGRAM: 13.00 odborná část 14.00 přestávka/káva
V odborné části vyslechneme informace z oddělení Dynamické astronomie, a to: 1. Novinky z oddělení (RNDr. Miloš Šidlichovský, DrSc.) 2. Toward the sub-mm astronomy in the southern sky: from NANTEN to ALMA Yasuo Fukui
I will discuss the future prospects of the sub-mm astronomy opened with
ALMA. First, I will present the recent results of southern molecular clouds
obtained with NANTEN, a 4m radio telescope installed in Chile. The topics
include the giant molecular clouds in the LMC and the supergiant shells
interacting with them, and the most extensive CO view of the Milky Way,
which represents star-forming molecular supershells. These obtained at
mm wavelengths should serve as a good dataset to explore the sub-mm wave
regime where many high excitation molecular spectra are distributed. In
particular, ALMA, a large synthesis sub-mm/mm telescope to be completed
in 2011 at Atacama will be most powerful in studying the southern sky.
NANTEN, as well as ASTE and APEX, will be moved to Atacama in 2003 and
should become a good pilot to first observe the sub-mm southern sky as
precursors of ALMA.
Srdečně zve Petr Pravec