Akademie věd České republiky |
Pravidelný seminář 3. 11. 2003
který se koná v pondělí dne
v nové seminární místnosti AsÚ v Ondřejově
PROGRAM: 13.00 odborná část 14.00 přestávka/káva
V odborné části vyslechneme informace z oddělení Dynamické astronomie, a to: 1. Novinky z oddělení (RNDr. Miloš Šidlichovský, DrSc.) 2. Recent results on gas dynamics and the molecular content in galaxies Prof. Francoise Combes
In the current galaxy formation scenarios, two physical phenomena are
invoked to build disk galaxies: hierarchical mergers and more quiescent
external gas accretion. We show here that the dynamics of present galaxies
can put constraints on the rate of gas accretion in a galaxy life. In particular,
the presently observed distribution of bars and m=2 torques in nearby galaxy
disks, reveal that galaxies must accrete a lot of gas during their life.
N-body simulations can reproduce the data, only if galaxies double their
mass in about 10 Gyr. It will also be shown how polar ring galaxies can
be formed most probably through accretion. Together with counter-rotating
galaxies, they constrain the accretion rate. Finally the discovery of CO
emission in cooling flows will be discussed, together with its interpretation
in terms of evolution of the cooling phenomenon.
Srdečně zve Petr Pravec, Dr.