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Astronomický ústav 
Akademie věd České republiky
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Mimořádný seminář 26. 4. 2005

Pozvánka na mimořádný seminář AsÚ/MFF, 

který se koná v úterý 26. dubna 2005 od 10:00

v seminární místnosti Ústavu teoretické fyziky MFF UK (Praha-Troja)

The contribution of type Ia supernovae to the determination of cosmological parameters

Dr. Martine Mouchet
(Observatoire Paris-Meudon)

Type Ia supernovae(SNIa) have been first proposed as distance indicators based on their identical peak luminosity. However light curves shape corrections proved to be necessary. After correction, these standardized candles provide one of the most direct evidence for an accelerating Universe and for the existence of  an unknown dark energy driving this expansion.

Various large programmes devoted to the search of supernovae have been undertaken. After having discussed the ability for SN Ia to constrain cosmological models, emphasizing the existence of pathological cases, I will discuss the on-going five-year SuperNova Legacy Survey project which will deliver over 1000 supernovae up to redshifts of the order of 1 and will provide unprecedented high accuracy on the cosmological equation of state of the dark energy.

Srdečně zve
Vladimír Karas 
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