Pozvánka na mimořádný seminář AsÚ,
který se koná v pondělí 27. června 2005, 13:00
v nové seminární místnosti AsÚ v Ondřejově
Spectroscopy of
Meteor and Persistent Train
Dr. Shinsuke Abe
(Department of Interplanetary Matter, Ondrejov Observatory)
Activities carried out by Dr. Shinsuke Abe in Ondrejov were primarily
focused on spectroscopic researches related to ultraviolet meteor
spectra and meteor trains. The first work entitled 'Detection of the
N2+ First Negative System in a Bright Leonid Fireball' was publish in
the Astrophysical Journal, 618, L141-L144, 2005. An ultraviolet-visible
spectrum between 300 and 450 nm of a cometary meteoroid that originated
from 55P/Tempel-Tuttle was investigated, and its new molecules, induced
by atmospheric interaction, were discovered. This discovery was
extremely important to understand meteor emission processes as well as
the delivery of organic matter at the time of the origin of life. The
second work entitled 'Video and Photographic Spectroscopy of 1998 and
2001 Leonid Persistent Trains from 300 to 930 nm' was accepted in
Earth, Moon and Planets, 2005. Bright fireballs sometimes leave a
long-lasting glow that is called a persistent train which lasts long
after the disappearance of its parent meteor. However, the knowledge of
physical process of trains is still far from satisfactory. An extensive
combined spectroscopy in UV and visible region (300-930 nm) was
observed for the first time and train's rotational temperatures
resulted from atmospheric O2 A(0,1) band and ratios of atomic
intensities at appropriate altitude were estimated. These activities
have been elaborated mainly with Dr. Jiri Borovicka. Finally, I would
like to introduce the asteroidal explore mission, my ongoing work that
was launched in May 2003 and will arrive at asteroid ITOKAWA in this
Srdečně zve
Vladimír Karas
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