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Astronomický ústav 
Akademie věd České republiky
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Pravidelný seminář 5. 12. 2005

Pozvánka na pravidelný seminář AsÚ AV ČR

který se koná v pondělí dne
5. prosince 2005

v zasedací místnosti Kosmické laboratoře AsÚ v Ondřejově


13:00 odborná část
14:00 přestávka/káva
14:20 informace z vedení ústavu

V odborné části vyslechneme informace ze skupiny Dynamika pohybů satelitů:

1. Novinky ze skupiny (Radek Peřestý)
2. Přednáška

Gravity field determination from Low Earth Orbiting satellites
Christian Gruber

In my talk I would like to present Earth gravity field determination in the context of the energy balance method. Unlike existing concepts, where the equations have been derived from a dynamical force model leading to the osculation of the orbital elements, the new method is based solely on kinematic properties of a body in free fall. I would like further to comment on the testing of such models. As an independent method is considered the long periodic measurements of sea surface altimetry satellites, where the ocean is considered as an equipotential surface. This spectral approach compares deviations in altimetry data to the expected error from the formal propagation of the model- covariance. As an alternative concept could possibly serve a new spectral gravity field model that is based on the similarity to the 2D- fast Fourier transform. In this approach terrestrial data shall be transformed into frequency domain and compared to the parameters of a given gravity field model or its lumped coefficients.

Srdečně zve
Vladimír Karas 
vedoucí semináře