Akademie věd České republiky, v. v. i. |
Pravidelný seminář 10. 3. 2008
Pozvánka na pravidelný seminář AsÚ AV ČR pondělí 10. března 2008 nová seminární mistnost AsÚ v Ondřejově PROGRAM 13:00 Novinky z oddělení galaxií a planetárních systémů (J. Palouš) Přednáška Making and breaking stars - computer simulations of star formation and stellar collisions Jim Dale 14:00 Přestávka/káva 14:20 Informace z vedení ústavu Abstract of the lecture: I will talk about how I have been using numerical simulations to study two very different hydrodynamic problems, both of which are of great importance in astrophysics. Firstly, I will discuss simulations of star formation and the progress I have made in including the effects of feedback from massive stars. I will show simulations of the influence of ionising radiation and winds on molecular clouds and discuss two important problems in star formation – how are young star clusters dispersed, and to what extent might star formation by a self-triggering process? In the second half of my talk, I will show some recent work on the subject of stellar collisions. The Galactic Centre is one of the densest star clusters known and contains a inverse population of main sequence stars, giants, black holes and other stellar remnants. I will examine how collisions involving stars and stellar remnants affect the population of stars in the Galactic Centre and discuss in particular what we can learn about the volume of space within a few tenths of a parsec of the central supermassive black hole. Srdečně zve Jiří Horák |