Solarigraphy Meeting 2025: Between Science, Art, and Education
19th - 22nd June 2025, Prague
Registration is now open via the form available here
Solarigraphy combines art, photography and science to produce unique images of the sky. To explore this unusal method of astrophotography, we invite scientists, photographers, artists and teachers to discuss all aspects of the process in June 2025 at Planetarium Prague . Anyone is welcome no matter their level of experience.
The aim of the meeting is to discuss all aspects of solarigraphy: from its roots in conceptual art and astronomy, through photographic chemical processes, different techniques and camera types, to legal aspects and the use of the solarigraphy in education and public outreach. We will also discuss more general aspects of the overlap between science and art, and an educational session will provide the opportunity for teachers to meet with professional scientists and artists.
This year's meeting takes place in cooperation with Planetarium Prague. It will be similar to those we organised in 2021 and 2023.
Important dates
19th January 2025 : Registration opens
19th March 2025 : Abstract submission deadline
19th May 2025 : Registration deadline and program announced
19th – 22nd June 2025 : The meeting
Conference Poster
Abstract and registration information
There is no registration fee. Coffee breaks will be provided, but participants are asked to cover their own expenses for travel, accomodation, and meals. Abstract and registration submission is now open. If you're planning to attend, please fill in the the registration form available here. If you have results you want to show at the meeting, please describe them in the "presentation title / abstract" fields. We can show your presentation and/or images on a standard data projector. There is no need to send us anything in advance, just bring your presentation on a laptop or standard USB drive. For any inquiries, see the "contact details" section below.
Venue and Logistics
The meeting will be held in Planetarium Prague . Contact details for the Planetarium are :
Prague Planetarium
Královská obora 233
Prague 7, 170 00
More contact details and directions can be found on the Planetarium's website. The easiest route to the Planetarium from within Prague is to take the metro line C (red) to the Nádraží Holešovice station, and then walk 15 minutes (unfortunately trams will be unavailble during the meeting due to reconstruction) The meeting will be in a seminar room within the Planetarium building. See also the Prague public transport website for directions to the Planetarium and to other locations within the city.
Accomodation : Some recommended hotels are listed below, but we encourage participants to arrange their own accomodation. We have a very limited number of rooms available for participants at the Astronomical Institute's Prague and Ondřejov campuses, for which priority will be given to invited speakers.
Recommended hotels (prices for 19th-22nd June 2025, please note these are only approximate) :
1) Villa Lana. Price: 5400 CZK (with breakfast)
2) B&B HOTEL Prague-City. Price: 5600 CZK (with breakfast)
3) Botel Marina. Price: 5500 CZK
Meals : Coffee and tea breaks are provided by the Planetarium. For meals participants should make their own arrangements.
Recommended restaurants, approximate distance from the venue :
1) Restaurant "Vystavka" (400m)
2) Restaurant "Klub AVU" (550m)
3) Artycok Bistro (230m)
4) Restaurant Pivovar Kolkovna (brewery with restaurant, 200m)
5) Restaurant "Holesovicka Sedma" (750m)
More options of restaurants/cafes in shopping mall "Stromovka", about 750m from the venue.
Remote participation : One afternoon session will be in hybrid format with speakers attending online. The rest of the conference is intended to be an in-person event.
A rough outline of the anticipated program is as follows. The full program will be announced when registration is complete.
Wednesday 18th June : On-site registration opens, welcome reception
Thursday 19th June : Solarigraphy session with remote participation in the afternoon
Friday 20th June : Art session and workshop for teachers.
Saturday 21st June : Science and education sessions, conference dinner.
Sunday 22nd June : Closing remarks
Social events : Social events will be announced in due course.
About the Organisers
This meeting is organised by the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the Prague Planetarium, the Czech Astronomical Society, and Astropis. You can find details of the organisers on their webpages here :
Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Czech Astronomical Society
Planetarium Prague
Contact Details
If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact any of the Local Organising Committe members :
Maciej Zapiór (Polish, English) : zapior.maciek <at>
Artem Koval (Ukrainian) : artem.koval <at>
Martina Pavelkova (Czech) : martina.pavelkova <at>
Rhys Taylor (English) : rhys.taylor <at>
Jan Veselý (Czech, English) : vesely <at>
David Ondřich (Czech, English, German): dond <at>