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Astronomical Institute
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
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Public Lectures

April 7, 2008
Astronomical satellite Gaia and Czech participation in the project
Pavel Koubsky

March 10, 2008
Making and breaking stars – computer simulations of star formation and stellar collisions
Jim Dale

February 11, 2008
EUV and X-ray spectra of the solar corona and transition region for the non-thermal electron distributions – synthetic spectra and diagnostics
Elena Dzifcakova

December 10, 2007
Virtual Observatory: A New Revolutionary Astronomical Research Tool or just another Internet Technology?
Petr Skoda

June 4, 2007
Dark matter black holes ???
Marek Abramowicz

April 2, 2007
Chemical composition of beta Cephei and SPB stars
Ewa Niemczura

September 5, 2006
Hayabusa on Asteroid Itokawa
Shinsuke Abe

April 24, 2006
Accretion onto massive black holes
Bozena Czerny

March 23, 2006
The Diversity of Multiple asteroidal System Studied by Adaptive Optics Observations
Franck Marchis

December 5, 2005
Gravity field determination from Low Earth Orbiting satellites
Christian Gruber

November 14, 2005
Modeling time-dependent X-ray spectra of magnetic flares in the vicinity of accreting supermassive black holes
René Goosmann

September 3, 2005
Quasi-periodic oscillations
Ronald Remillard, Shoji Kato, Jeffrey McClintock

June 27, 2005
Spectroscopy of Meteor and Persistent Train
Shinsuke Abe

April 26, 2005
The contribution of type Ia supernovae to the determination of cosmological parameters 
Martine Mouchet

January 10, 2005
An observational study of line-profile variable B stars in multiple systems 
Katrien Uytterhoeven

November 29, 2004
The Amazing X-ray Binary GRS 1915+105 
Andrea Martocchia

November 16, 2004
Variability of Solar Irradiance and its Possible Influence on Climate 
Peter Foukal

November 12, 2004
Sunspots, Gravitational Redshifts and Exo-Solar Planet Search 
Jacques Beckers

November 12, 2004
X-ray spectroscopy of black holes 
Andrew Fabian

May 27, 2004
The afternoon of public lectures
Paola Rebusco, Steve Shore, Marek Abramowicz, Wlodek Kluzniak

November 3, 2003
Recent results on gas dynamics and the molecular content in galaxies
Francoise Combes

December 2, 2002
Toward the sub-mm astronomy in the southern sky: from NANTEN to ALMA
Yasuo Fukui

October 7, 2002
The Interacting Binary beta Lyrae
Albert P. Linnell

December 17, 2001
Observing gamma ray bursts with HETE satellite
G. Pizzichini

December 10, 2001
What do AGB stars tell us about galaxies?
H. Habing

October 11, 2001
Astero-oscillometry: Gauging stars with stellar oscillations
Monika Maintz

September 25, 2001
Nonradial pulsation in Be stars
Thomas Rivinius

September 17, 2001
Star formation and dynamics in galaxy disks
Francoise Combes

May 14, 2001
Nonadiabatic observables of early-type pulsating stars
Jadwiga Daszynska

January 2, 2001
Charged Dust Dynamics in Planetary Magnetospheres
Jim Howard

December 4, 2000
The photometric variability of the emission-line binary star CX Dra
Hrvoje Bozic

Seminars of Solar Department
Radiative (magneto)hydrodynamical seminar
Seminars of Prague section